COVID-19 has provided challenges for all of us in our daily lives, but Care Providers in particular have experienced unprecedented pressures. Balancing the need to keep their customers safe with the need to accommodate issues of loneliness and emotional well-being are tricky at the best of times, but in the middle of a global pandemic, the pressures become intense.
Felicx recently conducted a small survey of Residential Aged Care clients and their families to understand their thoughts and feelings about COVID-19 and how it affected them.

Overwhelmingly, people agreed with the need for shutting down visitor access during the height of the crisis in 2020, with almost 90% of respondents indicating that this was important or very important. Keeping customers safe was supported as the highest priority.
However, what we also found is that it can come at an enormous human cost. Of the 8% of respondents who felt that shutting down visitor access was not important, we received feedback about the cost to emotional well-being, particularly for those customers living with dementia. This is where individual story-telling was able to shine a light on the impact of the visitor shut-downs.
While the statistics overwhelmingly support visitor restrictions to keep customers safe, the human story behind those numbers can reveal important information that the figures alone wouldn’t.
Felicx combines human story-telling with data analysis and statistics. Only when we look at both do we believe we can get to the real story of customer experience.